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Tag Archives for " alpert studio "

Sep 15

Featured Student: Jaime Martinez

By billalpert | Student Videos , Studio News

Jamie Martinez, at age 11 makes his first singing video after only six weeks of singing lessons at The Alpert Studio. Here he is performing “Waiting for the Light to Shine” by Roger Miller. Jaime is son of Delilah and Juan Martinez, Morro Bay, CA residents. Congratulations to the entire family for work well done! Look for some great singing in Jaime’s future!

Local Violin Lessons, San Luis Obispo
Mar 23

2014 Violin Graduates

By billalpert | Events , Studio News , violin

2014 Graduation at Zipper Hall, from left, Maya Rustenburg, Sophie Peltz and Benjamin Wong

2014 Graduation at Zipper Hall, from left, Maya Rustenburg, Sophie Peltz and Benjamin Wong

These three beauties received recognition for their first ever violin graduation at Zipper Hall, Los Angeles today. From left, Maya Rustenburg, Sophie Peltz and Benjamin Wong. Also (not present) Jessica Chao was one of only two graduates in Southern California to be recognized for completing Volume 7 of the Suzuki rep, performing the Bach A minor concerto. Hearty congrats to all four Alpert Studio of Violin 2014 graduates!

Oct 13

Alpert Studio Winter Recital and Holiday Schedule 2013

By billalpert | Studio News

Dear Alpert Studio Student and Family:

Wow, it’s Fall already; hope you had a great summer! It’s now time to plan for our studio Winter Recital. This year’s Winter Recital will be held on Saturday Dec. 7 at 4:30 p.m.

Rehearsal for this year’s recital will be Friday afternoon Dec. 6th. You will be assigned a rehearsal time slot between 4:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. that evening.

Recital and Rehearsal will be at the Arrow Route Studio and Recital Hall: Map and Directions

Voice Students:
There is a $35 ($45 for siblings) recital fee due to Melanie no later than Friday, December 6th. Again everyone is required to participate in the recital unless you have just recently started lessons or do not have a song polished up and ready to go.

Voice Student Sheet Music Preparation:
You are responsible to bring your music to the rehearsal and recital. All music is to be taped back to back, 3 hole punched and put in a binder. If you use plastic sleeves, please use the non glare variety.

Thanksgiving Holiday Season Studio Schedule for Voice and Violin
No voice or violin lessons Nov. 25-29.
Lessons resume as normal on Monday, December 2

Vocal Studio Only December Schedule
After the recital, we will be on our Holiday break, coming back for lessons starting again on Monday, January 6th. Please continue to do your vocal exercises and do a lot of singing this Holiday Season while we are on studio break.

Violin Students Only December Schedule:
Regularly scheduled lessons continue through the weeks of December 9 and 16. No lessons will be held between December 23 and January 3. Regularly scheduled violin lessons will resume on the week of January 6th.

Reminder: Violin Tuition remains unchanged during holiday months and other regularly scheduled studio breaks.

Recital Decorum
Recital seating is limited; if possible include family members only. Try to support your fellow students by remaining for the entire program, however if you must leave early, please choose seating at the back of the room and leave during breaks or applause.

Children should remain quiet and in their seats during the entire event. If you have very young children, please find seating at the back of the recital hall, in the event they need to be removed from the room.

Appropriate dress for performers: dressy casual/party. No jeans or flip flops, please.

Warm wishes for a wonderful Fall season!
Bill and Melanie Alpert

Sarah Pastor and Jessica Chao receive ASTA Certificate of Advancement
Aug 14

Studio Violinists Receive Advancement Certificate

By billalpert | Studio News , violin

Sarah Pastor and Jessica Chao receive ASTA Certificate of Advancement

Sarah Pastor and Jessica Chao receive ASTA Certificate of Advancement


Recently two Alpert Studio of Violin students participated in the American String Teachers Association Certificate of Advancement Program, for the national association’s Southern California chapter. Students who are nominated to participate must prepare a rigorous audition including scales, etudes and performance pieces played from memory.

Congratulations to students Sarah Pastor and Jessica Chao for receiving their certificates as well as excellent comments from the adjudicator.

Aug 08

New Class Sept. 2013: Violin Motions and Notions

By billalpert | Events , Studio News

alpert studio group violin class

The Alpert Studio of Violin is pleased to offer a new learning opportunity for violin beginners, age 5 – 11.

  • Weekly lessons delivered online. You can learn, practice, review with unlimited access.
  • Monthly in-person group lessons from a qualified, Suzuki certified instructor
  • Direct access to your instructor for support, or if you get stuck
  • Live performance opportunities.
  • A parent can enroll free and is encouraged to do so!
  • Monthly tuition only $60 (or $300 for six months.)

If your child is interested in violin, Motions and Notions is a great opportunity for families who want an enjoyable, low stress yet comprehensive introduction to the violin. Our super-organized lesson plans will make practicing a breeze,  enjoyable for student and parent alike. Monthly in studio meetings are held to reinforce those lessons, and make sure your child is getting off to a great start.

Violin Motions and Notions is unlike any other online violin program, because you get direct access and support from a qualified instructor.

First class meeting in September 2013 • Enroll now to ensure your spot. Participation will be limited to ensure a quality experience.


Jun 11

Violin Student Summer Schedule

By billalpert | Studio News

Dear Students and Families:
Here is the Summer 2013 violin studio schedule:
June 17-21, no violin lessons
as I will be at the Intermountain Suzuki Institute. Voice lessons will continue as normally scheduled.
Violin lessons resume on June 24, though some lessons may be rescheduled during the week of July 1, due to the Independence Day holiday.
Weeks of July 8 – 19:
Summer break for the studio, no violin or voice lessons
Violin Lessons Resume on July 22 throughout the remainder of the summer.
The summer vocal schedule can be read here. Contact Mrs. Alpert if you have any questions.
As always, your normal monthly tuition applies.
Thank You,
Mr. Alpert


Feb 16

Important Dates for the Alpert Studio

By billalpert | Studio News , violin , voice

It’s shaping up to be a busy Spring at the Studio. Please make a note of the following dates:

Our Spring/Summer Recital will be held on Saturday, June, 8 at 4:30 p.m. • Save the date, as all students are expected to participate.

Spring Event Summary:

Spring Break – March 18-22: No lessons for voice or violin

San Bernardino County Solofest (voice and violin) – April 6/April 13 - Application Deadline March 22: Information

Suzuki Violin Graduation – April 28 - Recordings due in March - Information

Great American Songbook Competition (High School Vocal Students) - Videotaping on Saturday, March 16 – Deadlne for Entry: March 31 - Information

Spring/Summer Recital – Saturday, June 8, 4:30 p.m. – Rehearsal on Friday, June 7, times tba


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